Frugal Living

Monthly Breakdown – January 2022

It’s that time of the month to reflect on how we went last month, what we did well and what we could improve. What is coming up and what do we want to do about it?

Goals for January

So for January, my goals were;

The Pantry Challenge goal for January was $250 or under, and we hit $153.14 for the month.

Post 8 Youtube videos and 2 blog posts.

Keep back to school Shopping under $200.

Pay off OT Report, $200 owed.

Side Hustle $750.

How we went

January, I managed to stretch it to only 3 shops and came in $96.86 under my challenge budget. So I gave myself that $96.86 to stock the freezer!

Pantry Challenge shopping, Week 1 – $52.29, Week 2 – $51.55, and Week 3 – $49.30.

You can check out my hauls and some of the meals we ate on Youtube.

I posted 12 YouTube videos for you guys, so we killed that goal!

 Now we are right on the edge of being monetized.

Then it turns out Back to school shopping this year is way more expensive than I thought once I got a look at the full booklist and our first year with textbooks. Next year is going to be an absolute killer with Back to School costs but I’ll talk you guys through my plan next month.

Finally the Ot Report, I have not long started to receive Child Support for my Oldest son, a whole $51 a fortnight, I have earmarked this money to pay off the Ot Report since it is a medical expense for him and going forward I have set it up so it goes directly into a disability support account for his needs.

And in other news, We are Debt-free again!

Goals for February

This month is Frugal February, so I am focusing on the hustle and reducing our expenses, to save a little extra cash. Check out a quick breakdown on Frugal Feb here, and don’t forget to subscribe while you are there.

Other Goals

Side hustle $800

10 Videos

2 blogs

15 Insta Posts

Prepare for March Challenge

How did you go in January? What are your February goals?